Wood versus Gas for your fireplace

gas fire, wood burning stoveWhat to Choose- Gas versus Wood?

Here at Sussex Eco Solutions, we have been asked the question of gas versus wood question more times than we care to remember!

Lets cut to the executive summary; last piece of research I read- Gas had the edge!

Hard to believe… but when efficiencies of the appliance, cost of wood and gas, and heat loss within the home is all all taken into account- Gas was etching ahead. Gas fires have come on a long way over the past decade- efficiencies are up, thermostats integrated into the remote control, and closed gas appliances.  However, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that this race if ever changing on the leaderboard, dependant on the prices of the fuel.gas versus wood

So if you come into our Sussex fireplace showroom with that question, we don’t actually think its a straight forward answer.  In our experience, in a real life house which leaks a bit of heat- wood / log burners do a great job of retaining heat and sometimes doing so across the majority of the home- depending on the size. We have found people like the fact that they control the fuel supply- wood outside, in the log store, and, ironic as it is in our technological age,  it’s romantically primitive! Real flame, real logs! And, if you love to forage, you can keep the cost of seasoned wood down!

However, if you love the sleek, no mess, real flame. armchair remote- and even pick a flame on your App and see in reality on your fire (Eco Wave from Dru Fires)– then you should really consider the beauty of a gas fire.

Whether cheaper, more efficient- our experince has always been- buy what you are after- after all… its your home! We are simply here to guide you in your options and choices.

Happy Shopping!



Sussex Eco Solutions Sponsor a trip to Kenya

Sussex Eco Solutions Sponsor a trip to Kenya

Sussex Eco Solutions are proud to be sponsoring Emily Craig towards her up-coming trip to Kenya, Africa this July. Emily will be working in a project in a school, painting and helping out with teaching the children. Emily is 16 years old, and is joining other...

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How to Install a Gas Fireplace

How to Install a Gas Fireplace

Gas fires balance the beauty of an open flame with the practicality of burning gas instead of wood or coal. They deliver the same warmth and serenity as an open fire with none of the preparation or cleaning up afterwards. If you’re considering having a gas fireplace...

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